Pool Family Vacation
New Zealand is amazing!  There are some really cool different words in New Zealand that we don't say in Alberta.  For instance:
dog leash=lead
penalty box=sin bin:)
flip flops=jandals
There are soooooo many more,but I can not fit them all in one paragraph
Dec 17/10
Today we arrived in the Bay of Islands.  It will be fun!  When we were driving we saw lots of sheep and cows!

Dec 18/10
Today we went to the oldest stone house in New Zealand.  The stone house was about 200 years old!

Dec 19/10
We went to see Tane Mahuta, the biggest tree in the forest.  The tree was about 2000 years old.


Today we are going to Hot Water Beach!    My Parents say you can dig up hot water. We packed lunch. They have huge giant waves that pull you under the water.  We dug a hot tub with shovels and packed down sand to make a wall.  After a while the water started to boil like a pot of steaming hot water. People were packing up all of their stuff when the high tide started to come in.  We left too. The drive home was 1 1/2 hours.  It was a long, fun day!

Hi 3BJ!  The weather was roasting hot in the Cook Islands.  From our deck we could see blue fish swimming by the shore.  We went snorkelling to investigate.  The coral is really sharp and if you touch it you can get a scrape and it could get infected.  Deep in the water around the coral there are tons of bright colourful fish, like in the big aquariums at West Edmonton Mall.  Only way cooler!  The best part of the Cook Islands was snorkelling!  

At the Kelly Tarlton underwater museum I saw a penguin with a baby and lots of fish too!  I am having lots of fun. I saw a starfish when I was kayaking.  

The weather here is HOT! It is like plus 30 degrees.It feels so weird that we came from snow and -20 to this!Today we went kayaking(which i am not so good at!)snorkeling,and I saw lots of fish! I even saw this really big one and it was blue! There are lots of different kinds of fruits. There are passion fruits,guava,coconut,papaya.We see palm trees all over and all have coconuts on them.The passion fruit is really good.:)
Another interesting thing that i noticed is that they drive on the other side of the road.The steering wheel is also on the opposite side as ours.CRAZY!
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