Pool Family Vacation
"Dad, it seems like everyday is like an adventure!" -  after a two hour hike to Taranaki falls on the base of Mt. Ruapehu.
Mrs. Barry
12/27/2010 12:24:15 am

Merry Christmas Ethan, Haley, Elijah Randy and Maricris. Sounds like your kind of holiday Ethan....an adventure everyday sounds like fun. Can't wait for yopu to tell the whole class about your trip.

Have fun!

Mrs. Barry

Mr. Korven
12/30/2010 05:35:26 am

Hello Pool Family,

Happy New Year!!! Looks and sounds like you are having a great adventure. Definitely a wonderful opportunity and one you will always remember. We look forward to hearing all about the trip.
Our adventure involved Saskatoon...pretty much like your trip minus a few things, well actually, quite a few things... (warmth, sand, water, leaves...).

Hey, did you sing the Sticky Beak the Kiwi song at Christmas! Hayley can sing it when she gets back.


Mr. Korven

Chris Pool
1/1/2011 09:48:59 am

Hey Guys
Happy New Year!! Looks like you guys are haveing an awesome time. great pics! Enjoy.

Chris Pool
1/1/2011 09:52:21 am

Looks like I need to go back to school for spelling.

Carmen & Crystal
1/1/2011 09:53:24 am

Hi Guys,
I studied New Chums Beach when I was in school to become a Travel Consultant. (Did you even know I did that???) I can't believe the pictures - hardly a single person to be seen anywhere! You certainly have seen some amazing scenery. Your pictures are great, and we enjoy reading about your adventures. Seriously, the pictures of the New Chums and the Cook Islands... so beautiful. It is -7 here today, and snowing lightly. Carmen wants Hayley to know that Freddy is very good but he misses you. Teddy misses you too. Anyway, take care and keep updating. We're all living through you right now! Carm & mom

1/8/2011 09:57:19 am

Hey Friends, it just amazes me that in all of your pictures it is so secluded with just you guys and nobody else around! Did you pay people to leave so you could get these million dollar shots? Crystal

1/10/2011 11:09:58 am

Hey Guys...it sure is nice to read about your adventures and see your pics! It is pretty cold here these days so enjoy the WARM sun there. Mike and Kim are going to be in New Zealand in 4 weeks so I have told them about all the great places you have been...keep having fun and writing about it!!
Take care!

1/10/2011 06:04:00 pm

Hi Crystal,

Thanks for your blogs. We enjoy reading them. And yes, the beaches are as amazingly beautiful and scarcely populated as you see them in the pictures. Unreal, eh? The beaches have been a highlight and the kids just can't get enough of it. We are wrapping up our week in Nelson where we have been to some of the most awesome beaches (aside from Cook Islands and New Chums). We realize that in less than 3 weeks it will be back to snow and cold :( We'll keep that out of our thoughts for now :)

1/13/2011 07:11:05 am

Hi Maricris, okay so now I am missing you. It's time for tea and coconut cream pie my friend! Things are good here - lots of snow and lots of cold. We have used the fire place stove non stop for 3 days. Went to bed last night and stoked it up, and in the morning it was still red coals, just threw in a log and it went again. Best investment ever for our home. Of course, we aren't quite as warm as you are :) Yes, you will be home in three weeks, and BREAKFORTH is in three weeks. Crazy how time goes by so quickly isn't it. That's why every day is so important. Thanks for all your updates, we really enjoy reading them. When my grandma went to New Zealand she accidentaly brought home a friend in her suitcase... a little lizard. Pack carefully! Hi to you too Randy, and love to the kids. Crystal


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