Pool Family Vacation
Not as scorching hot as the Cooks, but awesome nonetheless.  Lots of touristy things in the first few days and showing the kids our old stomping grounds.  Brought back a lot of good memories.  Rented a car and getting used to driving on the other side of the road.  No accidents yet...
Melissa D.
12/13/2010 12:43:00 pm

Hey...your pics from the Cook Islands look amazing!! So glad the holiday started off so great. It is slippery and cold here so you aren't missing a thing! Enjoy some sun for me!!

12/14/2010 12:35:53 am

Glad to hear you are having a good time, but it's hard to stay humble and not covet!

Hey Randy, did they find any
'junk' in your trunk in your recent travels?

12/14/2010 03:41:09 am

Looks great so far...We are expectin 20 cm of snow in the next 2 days...enjoy the sun

12/21/2010 08:21:43 am

So beautiful--that water, those cute little penguins! And the kids look like they're having so much fun! Miss you guys--but our scenery is just white, white, white...and cold, cold, cold...
Merry Hot, Sandy Christmas to you!


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